41st Annual Meeting of seasecs
February 26-28, 2015
Gainesville, FL
Join your SEAESCS colleagues in Gainesville at the Hilton-University of Florida Conference Center, on the southwest corner of the University of Florida campus and just across from Harn Museum of Art, the Florida Museum of Natural History, and the Phillips Center for the Performing Arts. Come explore SENTIMENTALITY AND SEDUCTION: LOVE IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY with us this spring! Plenary speakers include Peter Sabor and Mary Sheriff.
The conference program is available here. If you have any questions about the program or panels, please contact Laura Miller at lmiller@westga.edu
Program Chair: Laura Miller
Local Arrangements: Rori Bloom
Where: Hilton-University of Florida Conference Center
1714 SW 34th Street
Gainesville, FL 32607
USA TEL: 1-352-371-3600
FAX: 1-352-371-0306
UNDERGRADUATE TEACHING PRIZE. SEASECS awarded the new Undergraduate Teaching Prize for the first time at the fortieth annual meeting. Each year, a committee will offer up to three awards totaling $1,000 to the member or members who propose the best undergraduate panels for the conference, with the funds to be used at least in part to help the participating undergraduate student with expenses related to attending the conference. Submissions should consist of a letter of presentation from the SEASECS member proposing the panel, and a one-page talk proposal from each of the three or four undergraduate presenters. Please send submissions electronically by October 31, 2014, to Laura Miller at seasecs2015@gmail.com.
SEASECS awarded travel grants for the 2015 conference to the following graduate students:
Malkah Bressler, Fordham University (English)
Emily Floyd, Tulane University (Art History)
Ashley Sandlin, Auburn University (English)
Travis Wilds, UC Berkeley (French)
Megan Gibson (honorable mention), University of Tulsa (English)
REGISTRATION INFORMATION. Attendees may register for the conference and renew their membership on-line this year with our new registration system. This registration link will walk you through registration and allow you pay with PayPal. If you prefer, you may also download and print this registration form, then send it with a check made out to SEASECS to:
c/o Daniel Ennis
Humanities and Fine Arts
P.O. Box 261954
Conway, SC 29528-6054