42nd Annual Meeting of seasecs
February 25-27, 2016
Savannah, GA

The 42nd Annual Meeting of SEASECS will take place in historic Savannah. Our theme is "East and West: The Broad Expanse of the Eighteenth Century," but we welcome all panels and papers covering the long eighteenth century. Our plenary speakers include Dr. Keehong Kim, Professor of Art History at the Savannah College of Art and Design and former Senior Curator at the Korean National Museum, and Thomas D. Wilson, AICP, author of The Oglethorpe PlanEnlightenment Design in Savannah and Beyond. Events will include a reception at the beautiful Federal style Isaiah Davenport House Museum. 

The conference will take place at the scenic Savannah Marriott Riverfront: 100 General McIntosh Blvd., Savannah, GA, 31401, (912) 233-7722.

CONFERENCE PROGRAM. The 2016 conference program is available from this link. All presenters must be active members of SEASECS at the time of the conference. Annual membership begins with the conference, and presenters can join or renew membership when registering for the conference.

In addition to our conference’s print program, you can also download an electronic version through guidebook. If you don’t already use guidebook, the easiest way to load the guidebook app and the SEASECS 2016 guide onto your mobile phone or tablet is through guidebook’s website on your computer. Go to https://guidebook.com/g/seasecs2016/ and choose iPhone/iPad, android, or web. Guidebook will walk you through the rest of the steps. Just before the conference begins, it’s a good idea to “check for updates” in our guide. For tips on using guidebook, visit this link.

Hotel Reservation: The Savannah Marriott Riverfront will be hosting our conference. Please use the following link to make your online reservations with the Marriott: Book your group rate for SEASECS 2016 Annual. The cost of a room is $168 per night (good for the dates February 24-28). The deadline for booking at this rate is January 24, 2016.

Graduate Student Essay Prize: SEASECS invites submissions for its annual Graduate Essay Prize competition. An award of $300 will be given for the best graduate student paper presented at the annual meeting of the society. The deadline for submissions for the 2016 meeting is February 3, 2016. Please click on the following link for additional details: Graduate Student Essay Prize

Graduate Student Travel Grants: If you live outside of the Savannah area, there are 4 travel grants of $300 each available this year. If you are interested, please send your name, institutional affiliation, email address, paper title, and abstract to Keith Pacholl at kpacholl@westga.edu. The deadline for travel grant applications is November 30, 2015.

Undergraduate Teaching Prize: In 2014, SEASECS established a new Undergraduate Teaching Prize of $1000 to be awarded to the member or members who propose the best undergraduate panel for the conference, with the funds to be used at least in part to help the participating undergraduate students with expenses related to attending the conference. Submissions should consist of a letter from the SEASECS member(s) describing the panel, along with a one-page (maximum) talk proposal from each of the three or four undergraduate presenters. The deadline for submissions is November 15, 2015. Please send submissions as PDF files to Keith Pacholl at kpacholl@westga.edu.